Wednesday, May 16, 2007

But Everybody's Doing It!

I recently realized that pretty much everyone I know has a blog spot. The more I thought about it, the more jealous I became. If they are posting pictures and writing blurbs to the world about their lives, why shouldn't I? I'm special and awesome and I think people are being deprived by not knowing the intimate details of my everyday life! It stops now!

Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you my blog!

I had cereal for dinner last night! Grapenuts in fact. They were delicious! I will probably eat some more today.


Annelise said...

way to go. now just keep it updated!!! no slacking off like the rest of the family.

Annelise said...

if youre going to blog, youd better get with it darling doodie face. now im not necessarily recommending an obsession with daily posts (hmm, i dont know anyone who does that, do i??) but SOMETHING!!

Annelise said...

seriously caroline! you call yourself a blogger?!